Dell Technologies Metro Node Operate (D-MN-OE-23) Certification Sample Questions

Metro Node Operate Dumps, D-MN-OE-23 Dumps, D-MN-OE-23 PDF, Metro Node Operate VCE, Dell Technologies D-MN-OE-23 VCE, Dell Technologies Metro Node Operate PDFThe purpose of this Sample Question Set is to provide you with information about the Dell Technologies Metro Node Operate 2023 exam. These sample questions will make you very familiar with both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the D-MN-OE-23 certification test. To get familiar with real exam environment, we suggest you try our Sample Dell Technologies Metro Node Operate Certification Practice Exam. This sample practice exam gives you the feeling of reality and is a clue to the questions asked in the actual Dell Technologies Certified Metro Node Operate 2023 certification exam.

These sample questions are simple and basic questions that represent likeness to the real Dell Technologies D-MN-OE-23 exam questions. To assess your readiness and performance with real time scenario based questions, we suggest you prepare with our Premium Dell Technologies Metro Node Operate Certification Practice Exam. When you solve real time scenario based questions practically, you come across many difficulties that give you an opportunity to improve.

Dell Technologies D-MN-OE-23 Sample Questions:

01. Which two are true about devices when creating a Distributed Device from existing devices in Unisphere?
(Select 2)
a) Data is synchronized from source to target.
b) Best practice is to select Do Not Synchronize Data.
c) Devices must have virtual volumes created.
d) Target device must be equal or greater than source device.
02. The status of which Metro node Metro components can be verified on SYSTEM STATUS tab in Unisphere Dashboard menu?
a) Directors, Arrays, Storage Views, and Virtual Volumes
b) Directors, Arrays, Storage Views, and Local-com
c) Directors, Arrays, Storage Views, and WAN COM
d) Directors, Arrays, Storage Views, and Storage Volumes
03. While creating a mobility job to migrate data between clusters, the system administrator is unable to create mappings. What is causing the problem?
a) Source extent is used.
b) Target device has associated Virtual Volume.
c) Target extent is used.
d) Source device has associated Virtual Volume.
04. An administrator started a batch migration job. Front end performance has been impacted, what is the cause?
a) A large transfer size was set
b) A job number greater than 25 was used
c) A job number less than 25 was used
d) A small transfer size was set
05. When performing an extent migration, which operation frees the source extent for reuse?
a) Remove
b) Start
c) Commit
d) Cancel
06. How is creating virtual volumes in advanced provisioning similar to EZ provisioning using Unisphere for Metro node Metro?
a) Provision virtual volumes by creating devices from storage volumes.
b) Create virtual volumes by provisioning from storage volumes.
c) Provision virtual volumes by creating storage views from storage volumes.
d) Create virtual volumes by creating devices from storage volumes.
07. Which feature should be used to migrate data between Metro node clusters?
a) Device Mobility
b) Virtual Volume Mobility
c) Extent Mobility
d) Storage Volume Mobility
08. What are the three characteristics of the Perpetual Performance Monitors built into the Metro node system?
(Select 3)
a) Cannot be disabled.
b) Cannot be deleted.
c) Can be modified.
d) Can be disabled.
e) Cannot be modified.
09. A Metro node VPlexuser has forgotten a password. How can the administrator reset the password?
a) Login to Metro node vplexcli with service account and use the user reset -u VPlexuser command.
b) Login to Metro node shell with service account and use the user reset -u VPlexuser command.
c) Login to Metro node vplexcli with admin account and use the user reset -u VPlexuser command.
d) Login to Metro node shell with admin account and use the user reset -u VPlexuser command.
10. What is the Metro node feature to move data from one cluster to the other?
a) Cluster Mobility
b) Data Mobility
c) Extent Mobility
d) Device Mobility


Question: 01
Answer: a, d
Question: 02
Answer: c
Question: 03
Answer: b
Question: 04
Answer: a
Question: 05
Answer: c
Question: 06
Answer: b
Question: 07
Answer: a
Question: 08
Answer: a, b, e
Question: 09
Answer: c
Question: 10
Answer: d

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