The CryptoCurrency Certification Consortium (C4) is a nonprofit organization developing impartial educational resources and certifications. Its goal is to assist individuals navigating the realms of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and open blockchain technology securely, validating their expertise through testing. C4 conducts certification exams, and in this article, we will delve into the details of the Certified Ethereum Professional (CEP) certification examination.
About C4 Certified Ethereum Professional Certification
A person with the Certified Ethereum Professional (CEP) designation possesses expertise in the Ethereum blockchain, transactions, smart contracts, and the Ethereum Virtual Machine. Achieving CEP status is attained by completing the C4 CEP exam.
The C4 CEP examination encompasses six areas of Ethereum comprehension, fostering proficiency in the Ethereum blockchain, transactions, and the Solidity programming language. It equips individuals with the skills to comprehend and work with smart contracts on the Ethereum network.