IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Administrator (C1000-174) Certification Sample Questions

WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Administrator Dumps, C1000-174 Dumps, C1000-174 PDF, WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Administrator VCE, IBM C1000-174 VCE, IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Administrator PDFThe purpose of this Sample Question Set is to provide you with information about the IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v9.0.5 Administrator exam. These sample questions will make you very familiar with both the type and the difficulty level of the questions on the C1000-174 certification test. To get familiar with real exam environment, we suggest you try our Sample IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Administrator Certification Practice Exam. This sample practice exam gives you the feeling of reality and is a clue to the questions asked in the actual IBM Certified Administrator - WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment v9.0.5 certification exam.

These sample questions are simple and basic questions that represent likeness to the real IBM C1000-174 exam questions. To assess your readiness and performance with real time scenario based questions, we suggest you prepare with our Premium IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Administrator Certification Practice Exam. When you solve real time scenario based questions practically, you come across many difficulties that give you an opportunity to improve.

IBM C1000-174 Sample Questions:

01. Which statement is true about OSGi application class loading?
a) OSGi uses metadata in the manifest file as its class loader mode.
b) OSGi does not use class loaders to load classes for business applications.
c) OSGi can discover classes automatically and does not need any additional information.
d) OSGi declares a text file on root directory of application hierarchy to describe needed classes.
02. An administrator has performed the initial installation of WebSphere Application Server on an AIX operating system and they want to set the file ownership and permissions for an entire installation to a group of users. Which WebSphere command will grant the required permissions?
a) chmod
b) chown
c) chutils
d) instutils
03. What is the function of the osgiCfgInit script in Websphere Application Server ND?
a) It clears the OSGi cache for all servers within that profile
b) It displays all duplicated classes
c) It configures OSGi for a particular server
d) It lists all loaded classes
04. What is the result of executing the following command from the WebSphere Application Server ND node as a non-root user against the deployment manager running as root user?
app_server_root/bin/ -create
-profileName Custom01
-profilePath profile_root
-templatePath app_server_root/profileTemplates/managed
-nodeName Custom01Node
-cellName Custom01Cell
-dmgrPort 8879
-dmgrAdminUserName user_name
-dmgrAdminPassword password
a) Creation of the custom profile fails.
b) Creates and federates a custom profile.
c) Creates a custom profile but federation fails.
d) Creates a custom profile with a warning message.
05. An administrator wants to move a WebSphere Application Server node to a product installation on a different host but at the same path. Which statement is true?
a) They can use the Recover managed node page or the - asExistingNode option of addNode.
b) They cannot use the Recover managed node page or the - asExistingNode option of addNode.
c) They can use the Recover managed node page but not the - asExistingNode option of addNode.
d) They can use the -asExistingNode option of addNode but not the Recover managed node page.
06. An administrator received an alert notification from their application team that the thin JMS client application failed to connect to the WebSphere Application Server and there was a connection refused error. To troubleshoot the issue, they were advised by IBM Support to collect client and server side traces.
What two methods are available for the administrator to enable trace on the thin client?
a) AdminConsole
b) Trace.xml file
c) file
d) java –D system arguments
e) file
07. What happens when the JDBC data source prepared statement cache is full?
a) The cache size is increased to accommodate new entries.
b) Old entries in the cache are discarded to make room for new ones.
c) The cache switches to a different storage mechanism for new entries.
d) The cache is paused and entries are not added to it until it is emptied.
08. Which statement is true about installing enterprise application files by adding properties files to a monitored directory in WebSphere Application Server ND?
a) SAR file cannot be deployed.
b) It is supported on distributed and IBM i operating systems only.
c) wsadmin needs to be started to deploy the application or module.
d) Properties file must be copied to the monitoredDeployableApps/deploymentProperties monitored directory.
09. A administrator has configured memory to memory (M2M) session persistence for a large WebSphere Application Server ND cluster with a dedicated data replication service (DRS) domain. How can they keep the DRS domain secure?
a) Select encryption type DES and TRIPLE_DES and regenerate the encryption key periodically.
b) Nothing needs to be done, the environment is secured when using M2M session persistence.
c) Select DCS-Secure as transport chain under Core Group name.
d) Select encryption type DES and TRIPLE_DES.
10. Which PMI counter will monitor the number of managed connections and the total number of connections to the Customer Information Control System (CICS)?
a) J2C connection pool counters
b) JDBC connection pools
c) Object pool counters
d) System counters


Question: 01
Answer: a
Question: 02
Answer: c
Question: 03
Answer: a
Question: 04
Answer: b
Question: 05
Answer: d
Question: 06
Answer: d, e
Question: 07
Answer: b
Question: 08
Answer: d
Question: 09
Answer: c
Question: 10
Answer: a

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