C++ Institute CLE Certified Entry-Level Programmer (CLE - C) Exam Syllabus

CLE Certified Entry-Level Programmer PDF, CLE-10-01 Dumps, CLE-10-01 PDF, CLE Certified Entry-Level Programmer VCE, CLE-10-01 Questions PDF, C++ Institute CLE-10-01 VCE, C++ Institute CLE - C Dumps, C++ Institute CLE - C PDFUse this quick start guide to collect all the information about C++ Institute CLE Certified Entry-Level Programmer (CLE-10-01) Certification exam. This study guide provides a list of objectives and resources that will help you prepare for items on the CLE-10-01 C++ Institute CLE - C Certified Entry-Level Programmer exam. The Sample Questions will help you identify the type and difficulty level of the questions and the Practice Exams will make you familiar with the format and environment of an exam. You should refer this guide carefully before attempting your actual C++ Institute CLE - C certification exam.

The C++ Institute CLE Certified Entry-Level Programmer certification is mainly targeted to those candidates who want to build their career in C Programming domain. The CLE - C Certified Entry-Level Programmer exam verifies that the candidate possesses the fundamental knowledge and proven skills in the area of C++ Institute CLE - C.

C++ Institute CLE Certified Entry-Level Programmer Exam Summary:

Exam Name CLE - C Certified Entry-Level Programmer
Exam Code CLE-10-01
Exam Price $69 (USD)
Duration 45 mins
Number of Questions 30
Passing Score 70%
Books / Training C Essentials 1 (Basics) (Edube, self-enroll/self-study)
Schedule Exam OpenEDG Testing Service - TestNow
Sample Questions C++ Institute CLE Certified Entry-Level Programmer Sample Questions
Practice Exam C++ Institute CLE-10-01 Certification Practice Exam

C++ Institute CLE-10-01 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details Weights
Basic Concepts - fundamental concepts: compilation and the compiler, IDE, language elements, lexis, syntax and semantics, C keywords, instructions, machine/natural/artificial languages, portability
- literals: char; integer, floating-point, and double type numbers; scientific notations, strings
- comments
- the printf() and puts() functions
- the return keyword
- the main() function
- numeral systems (binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal)
- basic operators: * / % / + – =
- variables
Data Types, Evaluations, and Basic I/O Operations - primary and derived data types, modifiers
- type casting and conversions
- declaring variables, assigning values to variables
- defining constants,
- accuracy of floating-point numbers
- basic input and output operations using the scanf(), puts(), printf() functions
- formatting output, format specifiers
- type casting
- header files
- basic calculations
Arithmetic, logical, and bitwise operators - operators: unary and binary, priorities and binding
- basic calculations
- incrementation and decrementation operators
- shortcut operators
- rounding the numbers
- bitwise shifts (>> and <<)
- logical operations: and, or, not
- the truth table
Flow control: decision-making statements - conditional statements: if, if-else, if-else if, if-else if-else
- multiple conditional statements
- nested conditions
- switch and case
- the default keyword
- control instructions
Flow control: loops - building loops: while, for, do...while
- iterating through sequences
- infinite loops
- loop elements, and loop execution
- nesting loops
- controlling loop execution: break, continue
Arrays, pointers, and memory management - creating and initializing arrays
- indexing and manipulating arrays
- sorting data in arrays
- initiators
- pointers, the NULL pointer, pointer arithmetic
- addresses, references, dereferences, the sizeof operator
- pointers vs. arrays
- multidimensional arrays
- arrays of pointers
- the void type
- memory allocation and deallocation: the malloc() and free() functions
String manipulation - character arrays, the ASCII code,
- string initialization
- string functions: strcpy, strlen, strcat
- processing strings
- string header files
The Basics of Functions - functions, parameters, definitions, declarations, invocations
- creating user-defined functions
- using selected C library functions

To ensure success in C++ Institute CLE - C certification exam, we recommend authorized training course, practice test and hands-on experience to prepare for C++ Institute CLE - C Certified Entry-Level Programmer (CLE-10-01) exam.

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